The Ghana International Book Fair (GIBF)
The Ghana International Book Fair is an annual event organised to celebrate the rich Ghanaian culture through books. The main goal behind organising the Book Fair is to bring together all Ghanaian and international book industry players to exhibit books, creativity and innovations; explore business opportunities; organise literacy programmes for students; and hold workshops for the book industry to enhance the publishing of quality books.

- Publishers
- Writers
- Illustrators
- Typesetters
- Designers
- Research Institutions
- Proofreaders
- Printers
- Booksellers
- Book distributors
- Librarians
- Cultural organisations
- Educational institutions
- Telecommunication Companies
- Non-governmental Organisations
- Financial Institutions

Why Participating in the Ghana International Book Fair?
To trade in a favourable book market.
To explore business opportunities
To launch newly published books
To network with both local industry players and international printing and publishing houses.
To enhance visibility and recognition of both the exhibitor and its products/services.
To observe what competitors are doing to enhance organizational innovation
To build human resource capacity through training schemes organized
To provide a platform to interact with readers for their book needs and do market search on what area, subject or content to publish
For future sale demands and other benefits